Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 2 of WW

Today is day 2 of me doing WW online. It's not been all that bad and I have to say that the Lean Cuisine Garlic Chicken Pizza that I had for lunch today was very good!! My biggest problem with this is breakfast!!! I am a sweet eater! I love cinnamon rolls, muffins, pancakes, french name it! I'm having trouble finding a filling breakfast that also somewhat satisfies the sweettooth too. I have been eating Lowfat vanilla yogurt with granola some morning and I really like that but I think I need more options, so I am searching.

So I guess I should talk about my day and what goes on around here. I have a 12 year old who will soon be 13....the dreaded teenage years!! Although we've been dealing with some of the teenage issues already I am seriously dreading this. She's a great kid but I worry so much about influences and things that kids are exposed to. I know that she has to grow up and that eventually she's going to like boys and all that, it just scares the heck out of me!! Tonight we have parent teacher conferences and I know that we will hear some great comments from the teachers (we always do) and that she had straight A's this past semester and it makes me so proud, I do worry sometimes that we push her too hard. Why does parenting have to be SO hard???
I also have a 5 year old son who is really much easier at this point, our biggest problem with him is that he's a very picky eater!! Who ever heard of a kid who doesn't like potatoes???? He's sweet and kind hearted just like his sister but he also has a stubborn streak.......don't know where that came from!!! (She says with a very big grin). I am sure we'll have some attitude issues and things when he becomes the dreaded teenager too!! Oh and we'll have his parent teacher conference too and if it's anything like his first one I'm sure he's doing great too. They both really make me very proud to be their mom!! It truly is a BLESSING...teenager or not :)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Weight Loss, dinners...Blah

So, yesterday I finally decided to set up this blog and actually invite some people to read it. I know my life isn't all that exciting but I am starting a new weight loss adventure. I joined Weight Watchers Online. This is my first time doing the online version. I did the regular meetings a few years ago and had great success until I fell off the wagon!! I am truly hoping that I can make a lifestyle change this time. I want to still be able to cook and enjoy baking etc. so that's why I chose a program that allows me to eat normal foods and not prepackaged ones.
So dinner tonight is going to be from my friend Amanda's blog and it's really a family favorite here. Crumby chicken you can get the recipe here:
I will be a salad of some sort with mine but I will fix some sort of starch for the family because I know they will gripe if I don't! I am planning to also get out and go for a walk since we have some great weather here today. So if you are one of those friends who I've invited to view my blog...I expect you to stay on my butt and ask if I am sticking with the plan!! Thanks!

Monday, February 23, 2009


Ok, so I've been contemplating a blog for a little while. I read several that I enjoy very much and it is a great way to share with family and friends what's going on in our family. My only problem is that I don't think my life is that exciting OR that other people will care what's going on with me. But I'm going to do it anyway. For me.
So today is a day of changes for me. I'm starting this blog, I am also starting a diet....oh what a dreaded word, but I really want to loose some weight and start some healthy habits. So what can you expect from my blog. . . .
Some posts about my life and what's going on, some posts about parenting because I enjoy being a mom and doing all the mom things, I also enjoy being a radiologic technologist (xray tech) so that's how I came up with the name of my can call me a radiating mom when I am doing my job outside the home and I am a radiating mom in a different way when I talk about my kids. I truly have the best of both worlds in that I can stay home with my kids AND still keep my skills as an xray tech by picking up shifts when I am needed at the hospital. I love it! Something else you can expect from my blog is that I would love to share recipes, I love to I am NOT by any means a gourmet so the recipes I post here will be favorites of mine that I have collected from the internet, cookbooks or friends. I believe those are the best ones. Hopefully, I'll be able to share some healthier versions of some recipes too. So I hope you will join me in my new adventure of blogging.